About Kishori

I am a beauty hunter, inspired by and passionate about nourishing all the senses with beauty and deliciousness.

My experience

The container of my work is woven with love and mindful presence. Setting and holding healing space is something that I love to do. Part of the process is creating simplicity and beauty, especially amid chaos. My desire is to help people foster a sense of relief and release, and to create that feeling you experience when your space is organized in a way that there is room to breathe and relax.My mindfulness journey began in 1992, when I found myself immersed in the beauty and deliciousness of Italy. Since then, a curiosity for holistic wellness infuses all areas of my life. The healing tools that serve as my pillars are yoga asana, meditation and food. A love of food is in my DNA, and I have been lucky to  learn with many master home chefs. Along the way, I practiced, studied and completed certifications in different forms of yoga, meditation and mindfulness, including: A.I.T., Bikram, Iyengar, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Hatha and Adaptive Yoga. In 2011, I was initiated into the Himalayan tradition of meditation, and in 2016 I received my Master’s degree in Holistic Health. I have created and led mindful leadership trainings and workshops for adults and young humans. Being a Reiki level 1 practitioner and a certified death doula has also helped me navigate the depths of what it means to be human. This journey continues to teach me that change begins with myself. I cannot change other people, but I can change myself and be an example of positive transformation. My hope is to inspire others along the way.

Beginning at a very young age, I ate my way through myriad countries of the world with a healthy appetite for food and an insatiable curiosity about what it means to be alive.  I am curious about the constant transformation that is life: the unfolding, the unlearning, and the remembering of what it means to be human and to heal.

  • Weaknesses: tasty flavor sensations and deliciousness.

  • Guiding mantra: Human kind. Be both.

  • Essential pantry items: anchovies, salted butter and champagne.

  • Favorite medicine: cooking, laughter and swimming in the sea.

  • Preferred way to gather: with purpose, so that people feel seen & heard.

  • Most visited altar: beauty in all of its forms.

  • Can’t get enough of: travel and yoga.