Together we clear space, and create customized tool kits, practices & rituals to support the challenges that accompany life transitions: from a new job, a move, a new phase of life, to end of life.




we determine which areas of your life you would like to focus on. From there, we create your customized tool kit for a sustainable path forward.

Clear your space.

Declutter physical surroundings. A tidy environment isn't just orderly, it liberates the mind from stress and overwhelm. The result allows you to focus with clarity and move with ease in your spaces. 

Clear your mind.

Whether you have one minute or one hour of time, our personalized mindfulness and yoga practices are seamlessly woven into your daily rhythm. The result is an empowering sense of calm amidst any chaos.

Make room for your life.

With a clear space and a clear mind, you make room for your life. And we offer ongoing support for sustainable practices. We unlock the potential of your spaces and minds, creating environments infused with intention, reduced stress, and enhanced overall well-being.

Purpose & Work

Do you find your work engaging? Are you inspired by the work that you do? Together, we clarify your purpose, what you stand for, and how you use your talents and gifts to contribute to the greater good.


Are you satisfied with the quality of your communities, teams, family, and friends? Learn to practice active listening for improved communication and collaboration. Understand the art of convening as a tool to make your gatherings more meaningful. Learn the practice of presence as a superpower.

Physical Spaces

Does your physical space feel cluttered and overwhelming? Together we can organize calendars, schedules, and to-do lists to create more time for what is truly important. We declutter and organize your personal spaces, to create room for you to breathe and move with ease. A cleared space is a healing space.


If money is energy, how does it flow in your life? Reflect on your relationship with money: how you earn it, manage it, and invest it. And learn to shift out of a scarcity mindset and into abundance.

Physical Being

Our bodies were built to move. Beyond workouts and nutrition, how do you take care of your physical body? How can rest and food be healing medicine? Understand the power of weaving mindfulness practices throughout your day, including the practice of mindful walking and mindful eating. Learn breathwork techniques for reduced stress, improved focus, and calm. Create self-care 101 practices, customized yoga series, and personal meditation practices.


Take your power back and learn to create space between action and reaction. Often our stress and overwhelm are amplified by our reactive actions and thoughts. Learn the mindfulness practice of presence as a superpower. Integrate the power of breath work and the power of the pause to create space for mindful action. Often, it is not the thing that happened, but our thought about the thing that sends our minds whirling.

Play, Inspiration & Creativity

Discover how play and creativity support our health and well-being. Explore walking the path of beauty as a way of wellness. Integrate daydreaming as a powerful way to create space for new ideas and creativity to flow.

Holistic Life Studio offered a unique set of services targeting what I needed emotionally, as well as the overwhelming physical task of packing up my mother's home and organizing my own. The thoughtfulness and efficacy with which Kishori worked left me feeling supported, held and genuinely cared for, while also completing a large and challenging task.

- Marissa Onheiber | Interior Stylist